CFO club event via French Chamber in Hong Kong

Always a pleasure to #connect with our #FrenchChamber counterparts in #Asia! Last week we brought together the #CFO Committees from HK, Singapore, and Shanghai for an in-depth comparison of regional HQs.

Thank you to our speakers Alain Lecouedic (Roland Berger), Edvard Rinck (EY), and Pierre Vanrenterghem (RBA – Rosemont Business Asia)!

Nicolas MorineauxLuc SeyerPascal CHENAlexandre GrangeatPhilippe Rousset, CPA (Aus)Matthieu BougetAmelie POUMAER SAADIKevin HickcoxCatherine Rolland

French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (FCCS)CCI FRANCE CHINE

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