
Stay updated on the investment opportunities, market trends, and industry insights in Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Vietnam.


Navigating AI and Personal Data: Singapore PDPC Proposed Advisory Guidelines

AI requires training through Personal Data. Singapore's PDPC has proposed some guidelines to facilitate while securing the use of Data in AI. The guidelines explicitely states roles and responsibilities of the companies and organisations wishing to use personal data for AI purposes.

Singapore PDPC Proposed Advisory Guidelines
Singapore Compliance Deadlines

Singapore Compliance Deadlines

To stay on track with regulations and keep things running smoothly, there are key compliance deadlines all corporations need to be aware of.

June 27, 2024
Share transmission in Singapore

Share Transmission in Singapore: Dealing with Shareholder Demise

It’s crucial to plan for the transfer of shares in Singapore upon a shareholder's demise to facilitate a seamless transition to the next generation.

June 20, 2024
Enterprise Singapore

How can Enterprise Singapore help your business?

Enterprise Singapore's main objective is to help enterprises enhance their capabilities to be more competitive and eventually expand abroad, encouraging them to adopt the latest technology and developing strong leadership to correctly drive their growth.

June 6, 2024

MBiA unveils a human-centric rebranding backed by tech-powered strategies, presenting a bold vision for an empowered future!

Singapore, 24 May 2024 – MyBusiness in Asia (MBiA), a fully digitalized service provider supporting entrepreneurs in Singapore and Hong Kong with company administrative, legal, and accounting operations, today proudly announced our bold rebranding effort. This strategy promises to propel us into a new era of innovation and cutting-edge solutions. The rebrand unveils an exciting new chapter for MBiA, marking the culmination of a decade-long journey in establishing MBiA as the digital arm of RBA Group, a comprehensive advisory firm providing legal, accounting, tax, and consulting services to entrepreneurs and corporations across Asia. Embarking on this transformative journey, the rationale...

May 20, 2024
Vietnam Tightens Foreign Worker Requirements with New Decree

Vietnam Tightens Foreign Worker Requirements with New Decree

Through a new Decree, Vietnam authorities has implemented additional requirements for the employment of a foreign worker such as job posting for local candidates for instance.

May 7, 2024
Singapore PDPC Proposed Advisory Guidelines

Navigating AI and Personal Data: Singapore PDPC Proposed Advisory Guidelines

AI requires training through Personal Data. Singapore's PDPC has proposed some guidelines to facilitate while securing the use of Data in AI. The guidelines explicitely states roles and responsibilities of the companies and organisations wishing to use personal data for AI purposes.

May 7, 2024
Section 10L: new tax treatment for gains from sale of foreign assets received

Section 10L: new tax treatment for gains from sale of foreign assets received in Singapore 

In this article, we will cover: Singapore has recently amended its Income Tax act by introducing the new Section 10L on gains from Sale of foreign assets effective from January 1, 2024. The purpose of this new section is to bring Singapore’s tax regime in line with international anti-tax avoidance norms and to encourage substantial economic activities to be anchored in Singapore.  Indeed, this section subjects gains or losses arising from the sale or disposal of any movable or immovable property situated outside Singapore, referred to as a “foreign asset,” to taxation in Singapore.  Prior 2024, gains from the sale...

May 7, 2024

Navigating Singapore's E-commerce Tax Regulations: A Comprehensive Analysis

In the rapidly evolving landscape of e-commerce, navigating tax regulations is paramount for businesses striving for success in Singapore’s burgeoning digital economy. As the Asia-Pacific region continues to witness exponential growth in online transactions, understanding the intricacies of Singapore’s e-commerce tax landscape is essential for businesses to remain compliant and competitive. In this comprehensive analysis, MBiA delves into the complexities of Singapore’s e-commerce tax regulations, providing businesses with invaluable insights to navigate the regulatory landscape effectively. Introduction: The Rise of E-commerce in Singapore With the proliferation of digital platforms and the increasing adoption of online shopping, Singapore has emerged as...

May 7, 2024
Singapore’s Income Statement

Demystifying Singapore's Income Statement: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Success

In the bustling economic landscape of Singapore, where businesses thrive amidst fierce competition, understanding the intricacies of an income statement is paramount. As a vital financial tool, the income statement offers a window into a company’s financial performance, shedding light on revenue generation, cost structures, and profitability metrics. At MBiA, we unravel the complexities of Singapore’s income statement, offering businesses a comprehensive guide tailored to their needs in the dynamic Singaporean market. Our expert analysis combines industry knowledge with cutting-edge data analytics, providing actionable insights that drive strategic decision-making and foster sustainable growth. In this article, we will cover: Key...

May 7, 2024

Hong Kong Budget 2024: Empowering businesses for new opportunities

Amidst the global economic challenges and the ongoing impact of the pandemic, Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary, Paul Chan, has rolled out the Hong Kong Budget 2024-25 on 28 February under the theme ‘Advance with confidence. Seize opportunities. Strive for high-quality development’. The budget introduces measures aimed at boosting economic recovery, driving sector-specific growth, and providing support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These measures will be crucial for maintaining Hong Kong’s competitiveness in the medium to long term and ensuring sustainable growth for the city. In this article, we will provide a simplified summary to help you understand how these measures...

May 7, 2024
MBiA & ResGuard Solutions

Navigating PDPA Compliance: Comprehensive Package by MBiA & ResGuard Solutions Partnership

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the challenges of safeguarding personal data are ever-present and demand a robust response.  In acknowledgment of these mounting pressures, we have forged a strategic partnership with ResGuard Solutions, an esteemed industry leader renowned for its expertise in data protection and cybersecurity. Together, we aim to alleviate the burdensome complexities of achieving PDPA compliance, offering SMEs a comprehensive solution to navigate this regulatory landscape with confidence and ease.  In this article, we will cover: What is the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Singapore?  The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) of Singapore serves as a...

May 7, 2024
Navigating Work Permit Quotas in Singapore

Work Permit Quota System in Singapore: A Concise Guide for Small Business Owners

For entrepreneurs and business owners in Singapore, understanding the intricacies of the Work Permit Quota system is paramount. This guide aims to unravel the complexities surrounding foreign worker quotas, eligibility criteria, and the advantages of fostering a diverse workforce. Let’s delve into the core principles that underpin small business operations in Singapore’s dynamic economic landscape.  Deciphering Singapore’s Work Permit Quota At the heart of Singapore’s labor policies lies the Work Permit Quota, a mechanism devised to maintain equilibrium in the workforce by balancing local and foreign talent. Spearheaded by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), this quota system delineates the permissible...

May 7, 2024
Business expansion in Hong Kong

Is Now the Perfect Time to Invest and Expand Your Business in Hong Kong?

Are you an ambitious entrepreneur, eyeing the vast potential of the Asian market, yet finding yourself at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take? If so, Hong Kong might be the perfect solution.  Ranked 5th out of 63 by The International Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Competitive Yearbook 2022, Hong Kong stands tall as a global business powerhouse. Due to its advantageous geographic position, robust economic development, and business-friendly policies, it comes as no surprise that many entrepreneurs opt to establish their startup operations in Hong Kong to broaden their global reach into the Asian market. Besides its...

May 7, 2024
Tout comprendre sur fiscalité des entreprises à Singapour

Tout comprendre sur fiscalité des entreprises à Singapour en 2024 

Singapour est le principal hub financier et économique de l’Asie du Sud Est. Une grande majorité des entreprises internationales implantées dans la région en ont fait leur siège régional. De même de nombreux entrepreneurs étrangers, des startups et des PME s’y développent.   Singapour est un pays dont la stabilité économique et politique ainsi que le droit des affaires sont parmi les plus favorables aux entreprises.   Singapour est aussi l’une des destinations les plus attrayantes pour les entreprises et les investisseurs, grâce à son taux d’imposition des sociétés faible et compétitif, à son vaste réseau de conventions fiscales et à ses diverses...

May 7, 2024
Share Certificates in Singapore

Share Certificates in Singapore: Overview and Legal Considerations 

  In Singapore, share certificates are legal documents attesting to the ownership of a specific number of shares in a company issued to a shareholder.  For private limited companies, it is delivered in a paper format whereas public listed companies issue an electronic version. There are many situations in which share certificates are delivered. Among them, it is an important step during the incorporation of a new company or when a shareholder is investing in an existing company. In this article, we aim to provide clarification on various aspects related to share certificates, which include: Share certificates in private limited company  ...

May 7, 2024
How to Calculate Singapore Taxes for Individuals

How to Calculate Singapore Taxes for Individuals in 2024?

Singapore follows a “current year basis” for taxation, meaning that individuals taxes to pay for a particular year is assessed in the following year.  In this guide, we will help you to understand and calculate your taxes and exactly how the income earned in the calendar year 2023 will be taxed next year. Tax Residency for individuals in Singapore Tax Residency for Individuals in Singapore It is important to understand that taxation in Singapore is contingent upon an individual’s residency status as defined by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). An individual is deemed a tax resident for a...

May 7, 2024


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