Evaluate Your Employment Pass (EP) Eligibility with MBiA COMPASS Calculator

If you are a foreign professional looking to work in Singapore, it is essential to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for an Employment Pass (EP). Our EP Eligibility Calculator simplifies this process, giving you a quick and accurate way to determine if you qualify and represent a quick alternative to the Ministry of Manpower’s Self Assessment Test (SAT).

This article will explain what the EP Eligibility Calculator is, how it works, the key requirements, and how you can use it to assess your EP application chances.


What is the EP Eligibility Framework?

To qualify for an Employment Pass (EP) in Singapore, applicants need to satisfy two main requirements:

1. EP Qualifying Salary

The first requirement is meeting the minimum qualifying salary, which is adjusted by age and sector. This salary threshold is based on the top third of local PMETs’ salaries by age:

– The minimum salary starts at $5,000 for younger applicants, increasing with age, up to $11,500 for those aged 45 and above.

Note: The salary should reflect your fixed monthly salary, exclusive of bonuses, overtime, or any other non-fixed components.

What is a PMET employee in Singapore?

PMET means Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians, but factually refers to all (local or foreign) employees earning at least SGD 3,150 per month.

2. COMPASS (Complementarity Assessment Framework)

After meeting the salary requirement, candidates must pass COMPASS, a points-based system that evaluates individual and company attributes. COMPASS ensures that EP holders bring skills that complement Singapore’s workforce.

To pass COMPASS, candidates need at least 40 points from multiple criteria.

How to Use MBiA EP Eligibility Calculator

Our EP Eligibility Calculator is designed to make it easy to assess your qualifications based on the COMPASS framework. Follow these steps to get your eligibility score:

To begin, input the following information into the calculator:

  • Your Age
  • Educational Qualifications (such as bachelor’s degree or higher)
  • Proposed Monthly Salary
  • University Attended
  • Job Sector
  • Company’s Workforce Size
  • Job Role (particularly if it’s on the Shortage Occupation List for a skills bonus)
  • Company’s Workforce Diversity

The calculator will assess your profile based on the following COMPASS criteria:

Salary Benchmark (C1)

The salary is based on the MOM’s definition of Fixed Monthly Salary in Singapore dollars, which consist of your basic monthly salary and your fixed monthly allowances.

Your salary is compared to sector-specific benchmarks. Higher salaries relative to the sector average can earn up to 20 points.

Qualifications (C2)

Points are awarded based on your educational level and the reputation of your institution. Higher degrees from recognized universities can contribute up to 20 points. If your university is not listed in the drop-down menu, select “Other Universities” to continue the assessment.

Note: Candidates without degree-equivalent qualifications can still pass COMPASS by earning at least 40 points from other criteria. This means you can make up for a lower qualification score by performing well in other areas like salary or workforce diversity.

Also, it does not make a difference if your highest degree is a Bachelor, Masters or PhD, since they all award a total of 10 points by default.

Workforce Diversity (C3)

Companies with a diverse workforce, especially in terms of nationality, score higher. A diverse workplace can add up to 20 points to your eligibility score.

Share of PMETs from Specific Nationality = (Total Number of PMETs/Number of PMETs from Specific Nationality) ×100

Small companies with less than 25 PMETS, will score 10 points by default on this criterion.

Local PMET Share (C4)

Companies with a higher percentage of local (Singaporean and PR) PMET employees earn more points, reflecting a commitment to supporting local talent. This criterion compares your company’s share of local PMETs to others in the same sector:

  • 50th Percentile and Above: 20 points (your company has a higher share than 50% of others in the sector).
  • 20th to Less Than 50th Percentile: 10 points (your company has a moderate share, below the top half).
  • Below 20th Percentile: 0 points (your company has fewer local PMETs than 80% of others in the sector).

This can contribute up to 20 points toward your overall COMPASS score.

Small companies with less than 25 PMETS, will score 10 points by default on this criterion.

Skills Bonus (C5) If your role is on the Shortage Occupation List (SOL), you may receive bonus points, up to 20 points. These roles address critical skills gaps in Singapore.

Strategic Economic Priorities Bonus (C6) An additional 10 points may be awarded if your company is involved in programs supporting Singapore’s strategic economic goals and conducted in partnership with Singapore public agencies. These benefits industries contributing to long-term growth.

Once you enter all the information, the calculator will total your points and indicate if you meet the minimum 40 points required by COMPASS.

Reviewing Your Results

After generating your score, you can easily see if you meet the requirements for an Employment Pass:

  • Stage 1: Does your salary meet the EP qualifying salary for your age and sector?
  • Stage 2: Do you have at least 40 points across the COMPASS criteria?

If you meet both requirements, you should be eligible to apply for an Employment Pass in Singapore. If not, the calculator will highlight areas where you can improve, whether by adjusting your salary, enhancing qualifications, or joining a company with a more diverse workforce.

Benefits of Using the EP Eligibility Calculator

Quick and Accurate: Get instant results on your EP eligibility, without waiting for official responses.

Transparent: The calculator is based on the COMPASS points system applied by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower, ensuring results you can trust.

Guidance for Improvement: If you don’t qualify, the calculator helps you pinpoint areas to focus on, such as increasing your salary or upgrading your qualifications.

Ready to Check Your EP Eligibility?

Try our Employment Pass Eligibility Calculator today to see if you qualify. Simply enter your details, and the tool will provide a clear, detailed assessment of your eligibility for an EP in Singapore.

Don’t wait—start your journey toward securing your Employment Pass in Singapore now!

MBiA COMPASS EP Eligibility Calculator

MBiA COMPASS EP Eligibility Calculator

Candidate Details:

Company Details:

Disclaimer: This program has been created by MyBusiness in Asia Pte. Ltd. and is for informational purposes only & does not constitute a legal advice.

Eligible? Contact MBiA to assist with your EP application!

MyBusiness in Asia Pte. Ltd. is an authorised filing agent in Singapore. This means that MBiA can apply for Employment Passes in other visas for your company and ensure to leverage extensive experience and secure your candidate’s next visa.

Further understand COMPASS and EP requirements

Contact MBiA MyBusiness in Asia

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Evaluate Your Employment Pass (EP) Eligibility with MBiA COMPASS Calculator

Maxime Johanet

General Manager

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