Attractiveness of Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore

Last week, it was a pleasure to bring together #CFO members of French Chamber clubs in HongKong and Shanghai for a great #APAC discussion. Thank you to Alain Lecouedic, Partner and Vice President of Roland Berger (#HongKong), Edvard Rinck, Partner at EY (#Shanghai), and Pierre Vanrenterghem, General Manager of RBA – Rosemont Business Asia (#Singapore) for your presentations!

Where to implement H.Q. : Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong ? 

CFOs who are members of the clubs based in Hong-Kong and Shanghai joined this webinar for a great APAC Headquartering discussion with presentations from:

  • Hong Kong: Alain Lecouedic, Partner and Vice President of Roland Berger
  • Shanghai : Edvard Rinck, Partner at EY 
  • Singapore: Pierre Vanrenterghem, General Manager of Rosemont Business Asia

Thank you to our speakers and participants! 



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