Family Passes in Singapore: everything you need to know

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about getting the right documents for your family in Singapore, especially for the Visa. With a diverse population in Singapore, the dependants of Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and Work Pass Holders account for 18% of non-residents in Singapore as of June 2021 (Source: Department of Statistics, Ministry of Manpower).

These dependants hold passes issued by the Ministry of Manpower (“MOM”) or Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (“ICA”).

The Dependant’s Pass is issued by the MOM and is applicable for:

  • Legally married spouse
  • Unmarried children under 21 years

The Employment Pass (EP) or S Pass holder is required to earn a minimum fixed monthly salary of S$6,000 to meet the eligibility of applying for a Dependant’s Pass (DP). For a DP holder to work in Singapore, he or she can get an Employment Pass (EP), S Pass of Work Permit. Eligible DP holders who are business owners and wish to operate a business can apply for a Letter of Consent.

In the event that the family member is not eligible for a Dependant’s Pass, they may qualify for a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) issued by the MOM.

The Employment Pass or S Pass holder also has to meet the minimum fixed monthly salary of S$6,000 requirement.

• Common-law spouse
• Unmarried step-child under 21 years old
• Unmarried handicapped child above 21 years old
• Parents – only for those earning a fixed monthly salary of at least $12,000.

In order for the holders of the LTVP issued by the MOM to work, they will need to get a job offer in Singapore and have the prospective employer apply for an Employment Pass, S Pass or Work Permit.

It is worth mentioning that only legally married spouse is eligible for a Dependant’s Pass, whereas a common-law spouse has to apply for a LTVP.

All about bookkeeping services in Singapore and accounting services in Singapore.

The ICA also issues a LTVP or LTVP+, usually applied by a Singapore Citizen or a Permanent Resident of Singapore to request for a non-resident to stay in Singapore beyond the duration of their tourist visa.

However, there are other conditions for which a visitor may be eligible to request for LTVP:

  • Spouse of a Singapore Citizen (SC)
  • Spouse of a Singapore Permanent Resident (PR)
  • Child (aged under 21) of a Singapore citizen (SC) or Singapore permanent resident (PR)
  • Parent of a Singapore citizen (SC) or Singapore permanent resident (PR)
  • Graduate from an Institute of Higher Learning seeking employment in Singapore
  • Mother or Grandmother of a child or grandchild studying in Singapore on a Student’s Pass
  • Visitor seeking permission to give birth in Singapore

The Long Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+) is only issued to foreign spouses of Singapore citizens or permanent residents. The pass is usually issued for longer periods and the LTVP+ holders can enjoy eligible healthcare and employment benefits.

Prospective employers of LTVP/LTVP+ holders may apply for the Letter of Consent (LOC) through the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) myMOM Portal. The LTVP/LTVP+ holder may already hold a Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC), which is an option given to the individual upon application or renewal of their LTVP / LTVP+ with the ICA. MOM does not count the LOC as part of a Singapore company’s foreign manpower quota.

The LTVP issued to an individual accompanying a child who is studying in Singapore is not allowed to work during the first year in Singapore. This is to encourage the parent to spend more time with the child and help him or her adjust to Singapore’s education system. After a year, a regular work pass can be applied by a prospective employer.

Immigration & Visa

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Family Passes in Singapore: everything you need to know

Maxime Johanet

General Manager

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