All you need to know about Work Passes in Singapore 

Singapore, renowned for its vibrant economy and dynamic business landscape, attracts professionals from around the world seeking career opportunities in various sectors. However, navigating Singapore’s work pass system can be complex for both job seekers and employers, as there are various types of work passes based on qualifications, experience, and specific job roles. 

So, in this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of Singapore’s work passes, including:

The Singapore Employment Pass (EP) is open to individuals of all nationalities, targeting managers, executives, specialists, and skilled professionals. Additionally, entrepreneurs who establish companies in Singapore can apply for an EP if they need to relocate for operational management purposes. 

Singapore unveiled a new framework to assess Employment Pass applications called COMPASS. There’s no restriction on the number of EPs a business can apply for. However, individual candidates must meet specific salary criteria and COMPASS requirements. For financial services, the minimum monthly salary is S$5,500, while for other sectors, it is S$5,000. These salary thresholds progressively increase with age, ranging from S$5,500 at age 23 to S$10,500 for those aged 45 and above. 

It’s important to note the introduction of the COMPASS Framework starting from 1st September 2023. New EP applicants are required to meet these criteria, including renewals from 1st September 2024. 

The EP is not applied directly by the candidate. Indeed, the EP is sponsored by a business in Singapore (e.g., a private limited company). This means that the employer will have to apply for the pass for its prospective employee and while respecting all the local regulations, such as the requirements stated above and Fair Consideration Framework. 

Employers can also receive assistance from specialized service providers, which, as authorized filing agents, can support all your pass applications. 

👉 Read more about the Employment Pass in this article!

The Singapore Personalized Employment Pass (PEP) is designed for high-earning, top-tier professionals and offers greater flexibility compared to the standard Employment Pass (EP). The PEP is targeted at existing EP holders and foreign professionals with outstanding qualifications and work experience. 

Updated Salary Criteria and eligibility criteria: 

  • For both existing EP holders and foreign professionals, the minimum monthly salary requirement has been raised to S$22,500. Salaries must be monthly and fixed. 
  • To maintain the PEP, a fixed salary of at least S$270,000 per calendar year is required. 
  • The first year the salary requirement is pro rated to the remaining number of calendar months. 

Steps to apply for Personalized Employment Pass

  1. Complete the Online Application: Submit the required documents online and pay the application fee. 
  1. Prepare for Arrival: Update new travel obligations and prepare the In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter to present to the immigration officer upon arrival in Singapore. 
  1. Access PEP eService: Provide necessary information and documents through the PEP eService portal and pay the associated fee. 
  1. Registration and Verification: 
  • Check the notification letter for fingerprint and photo registration. 
  • Complete the registration within 2 weeks, if required. 
  1. Receive the PEP Card: The PEP card will be sent to the provided address within 5 working days after registration and document verification. 

You can also receive assistance to apply for your own pass. 

Benefits of the PEP 

  • Employment Flexibility: PEP holders can switch jobs without reapplying for a new pass. However, they must inform the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) of the job change. 
  • Duration of Stay: PEP is valid for up to 3 years and is non-renewable. PEP holders are allowed to stay in Singapore for up to 6 months without a job to search for new employment. 
  • Dependents: PEP holders can bring their family members, including spouses and children, to Singapore. 

Important Notes 

  • The PEP is intended for high-caliber professionals who contribute significantly to Singapore’s economy. 
  • PEP holders must meet the annual salary requirement to maintain their pass. 
  • The PEP cannot be renewed after the initial 3-year period. 

By meeting these criteria and following the application process, high-earning professionals can take advantage of the flexibility and benefits offered by the PEP in Singapore. 

👉 You can find more about the Personalized Employment Pass in this article!

Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) is designed for international entrepreneurs interested in initiating and managing a business in Singapore with venture capital support or innovative technologies. 

Entrepreneurs are eligible if they meet any of these requirements of MoM

  • Receive funding from a government-accredited venture capitalist (VC) or business angel. 
  • Possess intellectual property. 
  • Demonstrate substantial business experience, a strong network, and a successful entrepreneurial history. 
  • Exhibit exceptional technical or domain expertise relevant to their proposed business. 
  • Have a positive track record of investment in businesses and seek to develop new or existing ventures in Singapore. 
  • Engage in research collaboration with A*STAR or a university. 
  • Participate as an incubatee in a government-supported incubator. 

The EntrePass, initially valid for one year, can be extended for two more years each time. To renew, entrepreneurs must meet criteria set by the Ministry of Manpower (MoM), including employing a minimum number of local workers and reaching a certain annual business spending threshold.  

Steps to apply for Entrepreneur Pass:

  1. Prepare required documents, complete the online application, and pay fee 
  2. Update the new travel obligations and prepare IPA letter to present to the immigration officer after arriving in Singapore. 
  3. The pass holders will receive pass issued directly at EPSC counter, while company representatives or employment agents acquire the pass through EP eService.  
  4. Check the notification letter for fingerprint and photo registration; if needed, complete it within 2 weeks of receiving the pass. 
  5. After registration and document verification, the card will be mailed to the provided address within 5 working days.

👉 Find out more about EntrePass in this article!

The Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass (ONE Pass) is an individualized permit designed for exceptional individuals across various sectors, including business, arts and culture, sports, academia, and research.

Applicants are eligible to apply if they meet at least one of the following criteria

  • Have received a stable monthly wage of at least S$30,000, or its equivalent in foreign currency, for the last 12 consecutive months. If they are overseas candidates, they must also demonstrate they have been working for an established company overseas for at least 1 year. 
  • Will work for an established Singaporean company with a minimum monthly fixed income of S$30,000. 

The ONE Pass enables individuals to simultaneously engage in employment and establish multiple businesses in Singapore. Additionally, the pass allows the spouse of the holder to work under a Letter of Consent issued by the MOM. Applicants without recent employment experience in Singapore must demonstrate employment with a company with a market capitalization of at least US$500 million or an annual revenue of at least US$200 million. 

ONE Pass is renewable for 5 years, contingent upon meeting specific criteria. Eligibility for renewal includes either maintaining a monthly salary averaging S$30,000 over the past 5 years in Singapore or operating a Singapore-based company with at least 5 local employees, each earning a monthly salary of at least S$5,000. 

“This is an age where talent makes all the difference to a nation’s success. We need to focus on attracting and retaining top talent, in the same way we focus on attracting and retaining investments.”

– Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

Steps to apply for ONE Pass: 

  1. Complete the online application, submit required documents, and pay fee 
  2. Update the new travel obligations and prepare IPA letter to present to immigration officer after arriving in Singapore. 
  3. When the pass has been issued, a notification letter will be sent via email and will be valid in 1 month from issued date 
  4. If required, book an appointment at Employment Pass Services Center (EPSC) to register fingerprint and photo within 2 weeks of receiving notification letter. 
  5. The card will be delivered to provided address within 5 working days after registration and document verification

👉 You can also receive assistance to apply for your ONE pass and your family. Read more about the ONE Pass in this article!

The S Pass provides employers with the flexibility to recruit skilled workers (Associate Professionals and Technicians (APTs)) who may not meet the requirements for an EP, with the condition of adhering to a quota. Newly recruited candidates must earn a minimum of $3,150 per month. 

The S Pass is for foreign employees of any nationality who: 

  • Is offered a job in Singapore. 
  • Earn a monthly salary that is comparable to or higher than the top one-third of local Associate Professionals and Technicians (APT) based on their age. 

However, the qualifying salary for the S Pass will undergo additional changes starting from September 1, 2025. In summary, the minimum salary requirement for S Pass applications will be increased gradually in three stages. Older candidates will still need to meet a higher salary threshold to qualify. 

The S Pass is not applied for directly by the candidate. Indeed, the S Pass is sponsored by a business in Singapore (e.g., a private limited company). This means that the employer will have to apply for the pass for its prospective employee and while respecting all the local regulations, such as the requirements stated above, like the quotas of local employees. 

Employers can also receive assistance from specialized service providers, which, as authorized filing agents, can support all your pass applications.

Foreign workers with some skills applying for positions in construction, manufacturing, or services in Singapore must get a Work Permit (WP). The government issues 4 types of WPs based on the job sector. 

  • For migrant workers originating from approved countries/regions and engaged in construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard, process, or service industries. This permit is valid for up to 2 years and has no minimum salary requirements. Learn more about eligibility criteria. 
  • For migrant domestic workers who are foreign individuals working as domestic helpers in Singapore and both employers and helpers are required to satisfy the eligibility criteria. This permit remains effective for up to 2 years, based on the validity of the security bond, and has no minimum salary requirements. 
  • For confinement nannies who are Malaysian individuals working as confinement nannies in Singapore, but both employers and nannies are required to fulfill the eligibility criteria. This permit remains valid for up to 16 weeks from the birth of the child and has no minimum salary requirements. 
  • For performing artists who work at authorized public entertainment venues, this permit has a duration of up-to-6 to 6 months and no requirements for salary. 

The WP is not applied for directly by the candidate. Indeed, the WP is sponsored by a business in Singapore (e.g., a private limited company). This means that the employer will have to apply for the pass for its prospective employee and while respecting the quotas of local employees by sector and nationality requirements. 

Employers can also receive assistance from specialized service providers, which, as authorized filing agents, can support all your pass applications.

Singapore introduced a fresh work permit called Tech.Pass, designed to entice highly skilled technology entrepreneurs, specialists, and corporate executives. The Tech.Pass initiative builds upon the existing Tech@SG program, aiding rapidly expanding firms in accessing vital talent to expand their operations in Singapore and the surrounding area.  

The Tech.Pass program offers professionals more flexibility in their activities, such as hiring, investing, launching a business, and serving as a director or consultant in one or more Singapore-based tech companies, as it does not require the sponsorship of a local employer, unlike the Employment Pass. Additionally, holders of this work visa are free to change jobs. 

In order to qualify for the pass, candidates need to meet two of the criteria below: 

  • Earned a fixed monthly salary of S$22,500 or more in their last job within the past year. 
  • Accumulated a minimum of five years of experience in a prominent position within a technology firm valued at US$500 million or with funding of at least US$30 million. 
  • Gained at least five years of experience in a key role in developing a technology product that boasts at least 100,000 monthly active users or generates annual revenue of at least US$100 million. 

Steps to apply for Tech.Pass 

  1. Prepare required documents for application 
  2. Apply for Tech.Pass  
  3. Make a payment 
  4. Submit the completed application form and necessary documents 
  5. Waiting for approval 
  6. Receive the pass issued

The details of this process can be referred in Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB Singapore)

The Dependant Pass (DP) in Singapore allows family members of Employment Pass (EP), S Pass holders and some other pass holders to live in Singapore. The DP is aimed at providing a supportive environment for skilled foreign professionals by allowing their immediate family to join them. 

Eligibility Criteria 

  1. Primary Pass Holders: 
  • The sponsor must be an EP, PEP, ONE Pass, Tech Pass, EntrePass or S Pass holder with a minimum monthly salary of S$6,000. 
  • The DP is not available for Work Permit holders. 
  1. Eligible Family Members: 

The DP allows you to bring the following family members in:

  • Legally married spouse. 
  • Unmarried children under 21 years old, including legally adopted children.

The DP is not applied for directly by the candidate. Indeed, since the DP is directly tied to the work pass holder in Singapore, it is the responsibility of the pass holder or their employer to request for the DP. Self-sponsored work pass holders can directly use the DP of their family. On the other hand, work pass holders who are sponsored by a company must go through their employer to request a DP for their family. 

Whichever the case, working with a service provider can help to mitigate errors and mistakes as well as streamlining the application. For children, aged 12 and below, please note that a verification of vaccination records is required and can take a few weeks to verify. 

👉 Find out more about the Dependant Passes on this article!

Benefits of the Dependant Pass 

  • Family Cohesion: Allows skilled foreign professionals to bring their immediate family members to Singapore, enhancing family unity. 
  • Access to Education: DP holders can enroll in local schools or international schools in Singapore. 
  • Employment Opportunities: DP holders can apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) to work in Singapore. The LOC must be applied for by the employer and is subject to MOM’s approval. 

Important Notes 

  • The DP is tied to the validity of the primary pass holder’s EP or S Pass. If the primary pass holder’s pass is canceled, the DP is also canceled. 
  • DP holders are not permitted to start their own business or work without an approved LOC. 
  • The DP can be renewed along with the primary pass holder’s EP or S Pass. 

By meeting these criteria and following the application process, family members of eligible work pass holders can enjoy the benefits of living in Singapore. The DP facilitates a supportive and cohesive family environment, contributing to the well-being and stability of skilled foreign professionals in the country. 


Navigating the requirements and choosing the right pass is essential for a smooth transition to working in Singapore. Each pass has specific eligibility criteria and application processes, which are detailed on the Ministry of Manpower’s official website. It’s important to stay updated with the latest regulations, as policies may change over time. For further guidance, MBiA provides useful tips and insights into securing these passes. 

Immigration & Visa

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All you need to know about Work Passes in Singapore 

Maxime Johanet

General Manager

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