How to Extend your Business Network with Events

Networking is key to building new relations with potential clients and suppliers alike. Yet many entrepreneurs and business owners struggle to extend their business network, these are some of our recommendations through events!

Networking for Your Entity or Business through Events

When you run a business outside of your own country, you might feel isolated and lack the information to carry on. Therefore, you can join networking events to connect with all kinds of companies and people to find potential business opportunities.

There are different types of events, from small to big and casual to professional. You can always choose one based on its theme and business industry.
There are also many benefits to joining networking events, but the following are some of the most important:

  • Increased business opportunities;
  • Increased publicity of your company;
  • Market insights;
  • New connections with people who have different backgrounds, and;
  • Connections in person so you can receive quick feedback and a new perspective.

Furthermore, networking can be a source of growth both professionally and personally. As a businessperson, you can brush up on skills when presenting your company/products. Meanwhile, as an individual, you can meet new people and create friendships.

Understand the Chambers of Commerce, their Events, Memberships and Goals

The most effective way to extend your network is to join a Chamber of Commerce. They can be based on your nationality, where your investment capital comes from, or a new market you would like to enter.

A Chamber of Commerce is a group of businesses that work together for their mutual interests. Each Chamber of Commerce will elect its own board of directors or executive council and decide which goals to pursue. It may influence pro-business policies by lobbying legislators.

Chambers also organize regular events and seminars and bring opportunities for their members to connect with others and develop more local knowledge.

networking event and business meeting

As a downside, membership fees can be expensive. In addition, there is a chance that the atmosphere of the chamber will not suit you. Also, some chambers have specific conditions of membership. For example, the Japanese Chamber of Commerce asks all member companies to have capital from Japan. Alternatively, if there is no funding from Japan, the company is asked to present a work permit for a Japanese employee.

Indeed, some Chambers of Commerce require to have a proper link to the country they are representing. Therefore, it is important to do some research before you commit to being a member. You can always check each chamber’s website and LinkedIn page for their activities and updates.

Aim for Events organized by Private Organizations

Alternatively, you can look up events organized by private organizations to grow your business network. They usually do so based on specific topics and bring guest speakers to share deeper knowledge before networking.

Therefore, it would be easy for you to select events based on your interests and business category. However, it is worth remembering that these events might require an entrance fee and your personal information. Moreover, you might need to frequently check the event information from LinkedIn or their own website since these events can be more spontaneous and irregular.

Last Advice before Jumping in your Next Event

To sum up, there are many advantages to attending networking events, such as fostering a sense of community, meeting new people, and finding new perspectives. You can easily find suitable events online which will maximize your business opportunities.

At first, you might feel shy and nervous to speak to strangers. But the more you get out of your comfort zone by doing so, the more you will develop your networking skills. It might help you to keep in mind that everyone at networking events feels the same self-consciousness and has the same motivation, which is to extend their business connections.

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How to Extend your Business Network with Events

Maxime Johanet

General Manager

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