What are the different types of work passes in Singapore?

What are the different types of work passes in Singapore

Singapore remains a prospective nation for business ventures, both locally and internationally. The city has been consistently recognized as a global business and technology hub with its geographic location. Companies who intend to hire foreigners must ensure that they hold a valid work pass.  Likewise, foreigners who intend to work in Singapore are required to have a valid work pass. Depending on the type of work performed and skill level, there are different types of work passes available in Singapore.

Foreign professionals, managers and executives generally apply for an Employment Pass (EP) and/or a Personalized Employment Pass (PEP) as long as relevant criteria are met. At a glance, candidates need to earn a minimum salary of S$4,500 a month and have acceptable qualifications to qualify for an EP. Older applicants would have to command higher salaries that commensurate with their work experience. The PEP offers greater flexibility than an EP and requires one to earn a fixed salary of at least S$144,000 per calendar year, regardless of the number of months of employment. There is no official quota for such work passes.

The Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) is targeted at foreign entrepreneurs who are keen in operating a business in Singapore in the line of innovative technology, research and development and biotech, and is venture-backed or owns innovative technologies. The criteria for the EntrePass is dependent on the profile of the application being under the Entrepreneur, Innovator or Investor scheme. For instance, an Investor would either need to have a strong investing track record in highly-scalable businesses, plans to invest in local innovative or tech startups, or have at least eight years’ experience as a senior management professional in a large corporation that can help scale up local innovative or tech startups.

The S Pass is opened to all nationalities and is designed for mid-level skilled technical staff earning a minimum salary of S$2,500 and the assessment criteria considers salary, education level, relevant skills, job type and work experience. The number of S Pass holders a company can employ and levy rate is determined by the company’s industry.

For semi-skilled workers earning S$2,500 or less, the Work Permit could be an option. The number of Work Permit holders a company can employ and levy rate is also determined by the company’s industry. Work permits are generally issued to candidates that fall under these four categories: – Foreign Workers, Foreign Domestic Workers, Confinement Nannies and Performing Artiste. The criteria are dependent on which category the work permit falls and may not be applicable to all nationalities.

Foreign nationals who are keen to undergo training in Singapore for a short-term period may apply for either the Training Work Permit, Training Employment Pass or Work Holiday Pass. Depending on the profile of the trainee or student, the criteria under the different work pass varies.

Certain projects may be considered short-term and may not require a long-term work pass, thus, there are options such as the Miscellaneous Work Pass that can be issued. This pass is generally issued to foreign speakers, religious workers and journalists taking on a short-term work assignment of up to 60 days in Singapore.

A Dependent’s Pass (DP) or Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) is generally issued to spouses, unmarried children or step-children below 21 years, and unmarried handicapped children above 21 of EP or S Pass holders with a minimum fixed monthly salary of at least S$6,000. Parents of an EP holder are also eligible for an LTVP if the EP holder earns a minimum salary of at least S$12,000 per month.